
Oct 27, 2023 | Hoi An, Travel Tips

Travel Hoi An A-Z: Best time to travel in the year

Hoi An, Travel Tips

Which season is best to travel Hoi An? You can choose to travel in the dry season to see the ancient town’s bougainvillea blooming brilliantly, participate in recreational activities on the beach. Or choose to travel in the rainy season to see a quiet, old Hoi An. Refer to the information below to prepare for a perfect trip.

Which is the best time to travel Hoi An?

Travel Hoi An: the weather needs to know

Which season is best to go to Hoi An? With a typical tropical monsoon climate, the weather in Hoi An is not too hot. The average daily temperature fluctuates around 25.6 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in Hoi An is often relatively high. And the weather is divided into two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

  • Dry season: Last from February to August every year. The peak season attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to Hoi An.
  • Rainy season: Lasting from October to December every year is the low season of Hoi An tourism.
  • Season change time: January and September every year are the season change months, so the weather will be pretty erratic.
Traveling to Hoi An in the dry season

Experience traveling to Hoi An in the dry season

Hoi An weather in the dry season

The dry season in Hoi An lasts from February to August. The average temperature is 33 degrees Celsius. Characteristics of autumn weather in Hoi An are always clear blue skies, beautiful sunshine, and almost no rain. It can be affirmed that the dry season weather is the most favorable for moving, exploring, participating in swimming, entertainment, and experiential activities.

Stroll in Hoi An ancient town

The most attractive tourist destination in Hoi An in the dry season

Indeed, for groups of tourists or families, coming to Hoi An in the dry season is the ideal choice. Travel Hoi An in the dry season brings many exciting experiences that you cannot miss, such as:

  • Sitting on a boat on the Hoai River: An experience to be noticed is sitting on a ship on the Hoai River in the evening. Sitting on a boat along the river, you will see the panoramic view of city sparkling in lantern light. You can release flower lanterns to pray for peace for your family and yourself.
  • Cycling to explore Hoi An ancient town: Characteristics of Hoi An ancient city in the dry season are the colorful bougainvillea flowers in bloom. Choosing to walk or cycle to explore the alleys, nooks, and crannies of the old town will help you admire the ancient beauty and learn more about Hoi An.
Cycling to explore Hoi An ancient town
  • Swimming, checking in to An Bang Beach: Swimming or playing on the beach is definitely an indispensable experience when traveling to Hoi An in the dry season. You can go to church, swim, participate in recreational activities at sea. And remember to take beautiful photos to keep memories of your trip.
  • Have fun at VinWonders Nam Hoi An: With a large area, 5 uniquely designed subdivisions will bring visitors thousands of exciting games and many enjoyable experiences about traditional culture and art. Travel Hoi An to VinWonders, you can challenge yourself in adventure games. Then, learn about craft village culture – folk singing art, be passionate about the water world, check in at cultural intersections. Moreover, exploring The unique world of semi-wild animals on the river.
VinWonders Nam Hoi An with many exciting activities

Note when traveling to Hoi An in the dry season

  • Continuous sunny weather: Hoi An’s sun is sometimes quite harsh, and the sun lasts continuously from morning to evening. So you should bring adequate sun protection to avoid affecting your health.
  • Crowded situation: The dry season is the peak tourist season in Hoi An so the number of tourists is enormous. Sometimes, the atmosphere will be very stuffy, and you will often encounter crowding and queuing.
  • Rising costs: The cost of services and food prices in Hoi An in the dry season will sometimes increase. And rooms may even be complete, so you need to plan ahead to book rooms and services early.

Experience traveling to Hoi An in the rainy season

Hoi An weather in the rainy season

The rainy season in Hoi An starts at the end of September, peaking in October and November. There is usually a lot of rain continuous rain, and the average temperature fluctuates between 18 – 23 degrees Celsius. The rainy season in Hoi An is light, noisy or intense. But the continuous pouring rain day and night gives the space here a fresh atmosphere with the scent of soil and plants.

Should we go to Hoi An in the rainy season?

An experience that should not be missed when traveling to Hoi An in the rainy season

Many people often say that Hoi An in the rainy season could be more attractive. However, this is a wrong view. In the rainy season, has a tranquil and peaceful beauty that will bring you many new and exciting experiences:

  • Chill at Hoi An cafes: You can sit in a restaurant with a view of the sky or the street to feel Hoi An on a rainy day. Enjoying a hot cup of coffee with melodious music, the scenery of rain flying outside on the street will bring you a feeling of relaxation and peace.
Enjoy the ancient design at the coffee shop Hoi An
  • Check-in peaceful Hoi An alleys: The famous old town has many unique small passages. You can walk and take photos in the galleries in Hoi An during the rainy season. Everything in the falling rain has a quiet, quiet beauty that will help you take beautiful, poetic photos.
  • Enjoy Hoi An specialties: Planning a food tour of Hoi An cuisine in the rainy season is also an exciting idea. Hoi An has many famous dishes loved by domestic and foreign tourists. You can explore and enjoy delicious and attractive dishes without having to wait too long, like during peak tourist season.
  • Travel Hoi An ancient houses: Learning about the history and culture of Hoi An through old houses is also an excellent experience for you. The cool weather and slightly musty air will help you clearly feel the antiquity and tradition of the places here.
Learning about the history and culture of Hoi An through old houses

What should you keep in mind when traveling to Hoi An in the rainy season?

  • Prepare clothes and accessories: Long-sleeved clothes and windbreakers to keep warm, and bring raincoats, umbrellas, waterproof bags for phones, and shoes with good friction to avoid slipping.
  • Prepare medicine: Bring common drugs to prevent sudden weather changes, such as medicine for colds, headaches, digestion, allergies, motion sickness, etc.
  • Note when traveling: You should mainly walk and stroll around the old town, limit traveling by motorbike or bicycle because sometimes prolonged heavy rain will make the road flooded and slippery.

Travel Hoi An experience by month

Travel to Hoi An from January to March – welcome the festive atmosphere at the beginning of the year

If you are wondering what month to travel Hoi An, January to March would be a good suggestion. This time is when Hoi An is immersed in the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of traditional festivals. Hoi An’s weather in the first months of the year is also very favorable, with a temperature range of about 18 – 23 degrees Celsius. Feel that the weather will not be too hot, with only a few light rains, so it is very calm and pleasant.

Enjoy the atmosphere of Festival in Hoi An when traveling in Tet

The festive atmosphere in Hoi An during this time is evident. Every family and every store is sparklingly and colorfully decorated to welcome the Lunar New Year and the traditional lantern festival. Choosing to travel to Hoi An for Tet, you will be immersed in the bustling and vibrant atmosphere, experience and enjoy many exciting activities only found in Hoi An.

Pictures of houses decorated for Tet

==> Come and take the chance to join the festival in Hoi An

Travel to Hoi An from April to July – Hoi An tourist season

It can be affirmed that Hoi An tourism from April to July is the peak season with many tourists. So the atmosphere is always busy. Hoi An’s weather during this time is not as harsh as other central provinces but quite pleasant. The temperature will fluctuate between 26 – 31 degrees Celsius.

Hoi An tourism in the summer season

The dry, fresh weather is an ideal place for visitors to enjoy visiting eco-tourism areas. Or you can participate in swimming activities and exploring nature. However, according to many experiences, during this time, many tourists flock to Hoi An. So the cost will be more expensive than usual. You need to pay attention to booking a resort, food, and transportation services in advance to make your trip smooth and avoid waiting.

Experience basket rowing at Hoi An tourist area

Travel Hoi An from August to December – cool weather with sudden rains

Hoi An enters the rainy season with cool, pleasant weather

The last months of the year, are when Hoi An enters the rainy season with cool, pleasant weather. August and September are autumn. So the atmosphere in Hoi An is no longer too hot but will have a lot of rain and a bit chilly. In particular, from October to December, when it rains continuously in Hoi An, the sky is rarely sunny. At this time, Hoi An has a quiet, peaceful, and ancient beauty with few tourists.

Every scene of Hoi An becomes simple, close, and ancient in the rainy season

When traveling in the rainy season in Hoi An, you will feel a very different Hoi An city. It’s no longer noisy and crowded, but every scene becomes simple, close, and ancient. Coming to Hoi An at this time, there will be a few entertainment activities. Simply listening to the sound of rain falling and walking in the corners of the old town will help you feel relaxed and comfortable, and dispel all stress…

How many days should you travel to Hoi An? The ideal Hoi An travel itinerary for you

Which season is best to go to Hoi An? Depending on your preferences and suitable time, you can arrange a Hoi An travel schedule. Some suggestions for an ideal travel itinerary to explore Hoi An that you can refer to are:

Travel Hoi An 1 day:

  • Schedule 1: Explore Hoi An in the morning. Enjoy the sea breeze and snack in the afternoon. Enjoy high-class specialties; admire the lantern street and take a boat to release lanterns on the Hoai River in the evening.
  • Schedule 2: Have fun at VinWonders Nam Hoi An in the morning. Visit Thanh Ha pottery village in the afternoon. Visit the assembly hall old houses and explore the old town; release flower lanterns on the Hoai River in the evening.
  • Schedule 3: Explore the old town and enjoy Hoi An’s culinary specialties during the day. Participate in playing the Choi card game and stroll around Lantern Street and the night market next to the Hoai River in the evening.
Participate in playing the Choi card game

Travel to Hoi An 2 days:

  • Day 1: Take a walk to learn about every corner, the assembly halls, and ancient houses that have the ancient, quiet look typical of Hoi An. At the same time, enjoy specialties, participate in playing Choi card games, and take a boat trip to release flower lanterns in Hoi An.
  • Day 2: Enjoy fun and experience at VinWonders Nam Hoi An, or go enjoy the sea breeze of An Bang, Cua Dai. Check-in at the “HOT” coffee shop in the middle of the “HOT” rice fields in Hoi An.
Check-in at the “HOT” coffee shop at Hoi An

Plan travel to Hoi An 3 days 2 nights:

  • Day 1: Spend a whole day visiting every corner of the old town, the assembly hall, enjoying delicious snacks, exploring the night market, and taking a boat trip to release lanterns on the Hoai River.
  • Day 2: Explore Cu Lao Cham island, swim, and snorkel to see coral in the morning. And move to VinWonders Nam Hoi An to enjoy entertainment and special traditional art shows in the afternoon. Afternoon and evening.
  • Day 3: Enjoy the sea breeze at Cua Dai Beach or An Bang Beach and shop for souvenirs in Hoi An.
Enjoy the sea breeze at Cua Dai Beach

Which season is best to go to Hoi An will depend mainly on your preferences, need to explore, and experience. However, each season will have its own beauty. You need to carefully monitor the weather and arrange a suitable time to have the perfect trip. Hopefully, the information in the article will help you have an excellent travel experience.

If you want to know more about traveling to Hoi An, please follow fanpage to update quickly!!!

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