
Oct 29, 2023 | Experience, Phu Quoc

Travel Phu Quoc A-Z: Experience Phu Quoc Night Squid Fishing

Experience, Phu Quoc

Travel Phu Quoc without going squid fishing is indeed a pity. Let tell you the reasons why you should not miss the Phu Quoc night squid fishing experience.

Travel Phu Quoc – Experience Phu Quoc Night Squid Fishing

Watch the beautiful sunset in Phu Quoc

Watch the Phu Quoc sunset – a “worldly beauty”

Phu Quoc’s night squid fishing schedule lasts about 4 hours, starting from about 5 to 6 p.m. This is the ideal time to leisurely surf on the calm sea and watch the Phu Quoc sunset – a “worldly beauty” you must definitely admire at least once in your life.

The round sun looked as if it was getting bigger and bigger and then quickly swooped down onto the sea surface, radiating a brilliant orange-red light that was strangely calm. 

Take some picture with sunset view

The clear jade color of the sea and the youthful green of the mountains and forests must temporarily give way before this beautiful and heart-touching scene. You have to experience it yourself to understand why every check-in photo with the sunset here never stops “causing storms” on social networks.

===> Read more: Travel Phu Quoc A-Z: coffee to enjoy sunset in Phu Quoc

Travel Phu Quoc – Experience the life of fishermen 

Phu Quoc Night Squid Fishing – the life of fishermen 

Phu Quoc is the most famous resort paradise in Vietnam, possessing a sparkling golden sand coastline, a temperate climate, lush natural green carpet all year round, and a rich flora and fauna ecosystem. However, is nature here “gentle” to the indigenous people?

Let’s find answers with our Phu Quoc night squid fishing journey. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain squid fishing experience from veteran fishermen. Such as the technique of casting the fishing rod and how to collect the fishing line so as not to “lose both lead and pestle.”… Squid fishing rods are not the same. 

The images of tourists catching squid

With a regular fishing rod, it may take you quite a bit of time to become proficient in using it. Please maintain the spirit of “fun is key” to fully enjoy the experience. 

If you are lucky, you will hear the fishermen tell many exciting stories and anecdotes about life with the waves.

Enjoy Phu Quoc’s “standard” fresh seafood

After fishing and squid fishing to your heart’s content, it’s time to enjoy the results of fresh seafood dishes cooked hot right on the boat.

Enjoy Phu Quoc’s “standard” fresh seafood

Enjoy excellent Phu Quoc specialties while immersing yourself in the sound of the singing sea. And enjoy a rare moment of relaxation after a stressful period of studying and working. Going squid fishing at night in Phu Quoc is definitely a “stress relief” activity that helps you nourish your body and mind to the fullest.

==> Read more: Travel Phu Quoc A-Z: eat like a local in Phu Quoc

Understand and love Pearl Island more

The beauty of the Pearl Island Vietnam

Travel Phu Quoc, people immediately think of the beach with golden sunshine, white, velvety sand, or thousands of “stray” starfish at the famous Bai Sao. But did you know Phu Quoc is also a heroic land? Which marked many important milestones in the history of fighting foreign invaders and unifying the nation? 

Phu Quoc island district also belongs to the Kien Giang coastal. And marine biosphere reserve, playing an essential role in maintaining the green ecosystem in Vietnam and around the world.

Note when going on the Phu Quoc night squid fishing tour

  • Departure time may differ by 1-2 hours from the reference schedule due to many objective reasons.
  • Phu Quoc beach is quite cold at night, so you should choose active clothes and bring a jacket.
  • Equip yourself with insect spray to avoid mosquito bites.
  • For electronic devices such as cameras or mobile phones, put them in a plastic bag with a zip lock and then lock them to avoid water penetration. If not necessary, you should prioritize leaving high-value items at the hotel to prevent accidental loss or breakage.
  • Squid fishing requires a lot of skill and experience, so if you come up empty-handed, don’t be sad. The important thing is that you had a quality, fun time with friends and relatives.

Phu Quoc’s night squid fishing journey is both short and short. But it’s enough for visitors to see a genuinely different pearl island when night falls. This is also a “so-and-so” experience for those who love to explore local cuisine and culture. To explore more topics about travel Phu Quoc A-Z, follow!

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